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          Xela is a self-taught woodworking artist. A true Renaissance woman with a deep passion for continual learning and discovery with a never-ending thirst to understand the universe. She sees patterns across wide spheres of knowledge and creates splendid pieces of sculptural and functional art. She is keenly focused on expanding herself through personal development, bringing the mind and soul together to create beautiful and exciting artwork.  


        Her creations are inspired by her unique life story.  From humble beginnings in Latin America to healing the ill in North America. Her passion for learning led her to pursue degrees in a variety of subjects from sciences and mathematics, nursing, and health care, to psychology. She is an enthusiastic traveler who seeks to learn from other people and cultures to bring beautiful diversity, connectivity, and humanity into art. 


        She also has a lifelong passion for fitness, believing in the importance of the mind and body connection and she strives to be the best she can be and to constantly find her strengths and expand her limits. She is an avid cyclist, runner, and rower.  She finds beauty in topics as diverse as the orbits of planets, the nature of the body and mind, the entanglement of particles, and how we relate to one another. This deep appreciation and curiosity for the universe is demonstrated in her art, as she captures complexity, depth, and uniqueness in her creations. She applies her curiosity to create innovative techniques that bring a unique vision of art to the world… 


        In addition, Xela places a high importance on creating environmentally consciousness pieces and being kind to planet earth by reducing solid waste and actively using environmentally friendly raw materials. This way we can preserve the environment for future generations. She believes in giving everything a second chance to be beautiful, by transforming material that has run its course in life into something creative, powerful, and meaningful.  


        Her art form varies from tables, sculptures, paintings, and jewelry. All her collections are without a doubt, eye-catchers of vibrant colors, powerful meaning, and passion for life. There are no other pieces like these on planet earth, or across the universe.

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